Many SPOILERS are contained throughout these posts. You have been warned!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Undertale pacifist ending high playthrough

Finished the Pacifist route while high...

Most of it was the same as my first playthrough, but I did a little better and didn't kill Toriel, and petted Lesser dog a lot and made his neck huge... and did the Undyne's house cooking scene this time (I skipped that on my first playthrough cuz I didn't know about it), and this unlocked the Undyne+Papyrus phone conversations, where they say something different in every room in the game. Before then I went back through the entire game and listened to all of those phone conversations, and kept doing that throughout the Hotlands and Core... that was really fun...

Starting from the beginning of the CORE... I got high and tried to play through the rest of the pacifist route... I underestimated how much of the game was left. After dying from Asgore, I went back to buy some stuff, and got a call from Undyne telling me to come over to Papyrus's house... and also talked to the new CORE NPCs that showed up.. I totally wasn't expecting the whole "True Laboratory quest after that... this was the quest to make Alphys into your friend...

After that, I got teleported back to the End area, and this time when I started the battle with Asgore, Toriel and all the other boss enemies came in and interrupted, telling us both not to fight... then Flowey came in and absorbed all the monster's souls, turned into a soulless Asriel, and fought me...

I was able to save Asriel's soul and turn him back to normal... It was pretty much like the EarthBound final boss except way less subtle...

Asriel explained the plot with him and the human who's named after what you named your save file... and the human you're playing as introduces himself as "Frisk"... then Frisk decides to give all the monster souls back but before he does, he destroys the barrier, freeing everyone. Then I'm at the end area with all the main monster friends there with some more dialog, and they all eventually suggest I go back through the world and re-talk to every NPC again...

I went literally through every room and made sure to talk to everyone... Talked to Asriel way back at the beginning of the game, and couldn't convince him to come with me... that was pointless... then I walked all the way back, taking shortcuts, and finally finished the game... but then Asriel gives me one last bit of gameplay where I have to dodge all the special thanks names... I hit like one whole screen full of them though.

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