Many SPOILERS are contained throughout these posts. You have been warned!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Metroid II high playthrough log part 2/2

Okay, just finished going over what I went through with my first high session, 7 months ago...

This does some like a really decent half-way point (well more like 2/3rds of the way probably)... I did a great job of documenting where I left off on that map.

now for Level 7..

there's this VERY huge tower in the middle of this level that you can climb up with the spider ball, and also 3 little side areas to the right/upper right, a bottom path underneath the tower (where I started off from this session), a couple sidepaths left of the tower, and then 3 little interconnected paths in the middle of the tower, that can be entered from the left side, the top, and the upper right side... oh and a little spiderball passage at the ceiling above the tower with missiles/energy tank.

altogether this level has 4 "gamma?" 'r' metroids and 3 "zeta" metroids...

Metroid #12 was a Zeta... holy shit these were hard at first, until I learned to deal with their pattern. stand still and duck until they swoop down to attack you, then you have a (JUST short enough) span of time where you can jump up in front of it and shoot a few missiles at its torso, which is its only weak spot... and then repeat the pattern.

okay what's my reward...
wait a sec... OH WOW, I just got the joke with this first inner tower area (upper left entrance)... it's like the chozo statue rooms in metroid 1, but in reverse, you're coming in from the secret underground passageway.

SCREW ATTACK, hell yeah I'm glad I came here first. it looks like there are doors leading back to brinstar but they are bricked off... it's almost as if this tower is brinstar itself, and we are scaling the outside of it... or is that just my high talking?

I'll go for the top of tower e-tank #1 before doing the 3 right-side r and z metroids...

omg this is kinda crazy, am I not supposed to be here yet or what? it's a pitch black morph ball tunnel... only way you can tell if you're even moving is by laying bombs.

one r metroid is in a regenerating sand pit, very little room to maneuver.
decided to go down the left side of the tower next actually, saving the rest of the right side for last... oookay, this inner tower area is actually just a bunch of red herring chozo rooms with nothing but weapons you've already got in it... Plasma is the strongest, but spazer has better range. wave is just a weaker less accurate spazer, and ice beam sucks. oh and there's some weak enemies that are nothing against your screw attack, and work as a really convenient way to measure how strong each weapon is.

but yeah this level design... wow... it's like some wierd ruined/powerless brinstar inside this tower area... there's even little useless out of place looking dips in the floor where the elevators would be... this combined with the dead metroid shells all over the place really gives off a creepy isolated vibe...

I kinda like how the screw attack works in this, you really have to focus on keeping a steady rhythm in your jumps... and this little spikey cave paths really force you to master it.

it turns out you probably needed the screw attack to get most of the metroids in this area... I lucked out getting that first. and I guess this bottom right side IS meant to be the final part too, because it requires even better screw attack skills than the rest of the level.

WOW... that 3rd zeta metroid... in a sand area... that felt like the boss of this level. that was hard as fuck... managed to beat it on 1st try with 2/3rds health gone.

Level 7 completed after beating Metroid #7, possibly the last of the r level metroids... they're evolving so fast...

again the even (8th) level seems like just another transition area... with a new metroid type introduced. above the 9th acid level is a seemingly too easy section with the 6th last metroid, an alpha... then another earthquake? you also notice there's another metroid shell next to the one the alpha hatched from... you try to return, and now the 9th acid level has back up to level 8.

pretty spooky atmosphere this part... also I'm still at less than half health. I could grind these easy enemies for health but I won't.

holy shi... that was HARD. saw that zeta metroid evolve into an omega... it's sorta the same strategy, except he can swoop in to attack you repeatedly, for a random amount of consecutive attacks it seems like... I got down to my last energy bar... 25 health points before being him. I eventually figured out you could avoid all risk by space/screw jumping through the wide open area until he stops moving for a few seconds, at that point you can safely land, jump in front, and get a few hits in on his head/chest.

save point is JUST up ahead... there's one more room with acid and tiny plaforms, and just a bunch of transitional vertical rooms, but anything could kill me at this point.

I keep getting nothing but missiles from these near-harmless plant enemies... but okay yeah this isn't so bad... there's no danger if you take your time. although these later levels

save point... about half-way through level 9 (another short-ish level)... now just 4 metroids remain...

this is like the bubble area from metroid 1... the water here doesn't hurt you but the spikes in it will

there's another metroid shell... died a few times against metroid number 4...

found out some of these enemies around this level 10 acid area, you can get a lot of health from if you wrecklessly screw jump everyone. now at just under 2 energy paks.

another bubble/spike path... in the middle is a gap in the floor leading down to the level 10 acid... but first a side area to the right with omega metroids #3 and #2... #3 had a water pool over him, but with the varia (or I guess the equatic equivalent) suit that's not an issue at all... found out the trick to getting him to stop swooping down at you, is to try to have him facing AWAY from you when you land your space jump...

#2 is in this same dead end side area, but I'm still gonna go back and save again anyway, since it's not that far. he's not hard at all... only 1 left. (lol just got flashbacks of my recent undertale genocide high playthrough)

finally, level 11... the last level... after heading down through where the level 10 acid was blocking the way... now it seems to have u-turned and the path goes back up towards the surface... this area seems kinda reminiscent of the early part of the game... no metroids around anywhere here... no life at all in fact... just a lot of water pits with weird fake floors that only you go through.

phew... got to a save point and FINALLY a refill room...
hmm... 5 energy paks and 250 missiles... is that 100%?

that's one of the 3 upper ceiling paths above a big empty room... the middle one leads up to a broken chozo statue... with its hand on the floor holding the ice beam... and the way up further to the surface is blocked for now... then the other path leads to the final boss...

... I guess I'll take the ice beam... it's possible this final boss has its own new hatching of metroids yet to be born... ice beam is required for newborn metroids...

going up a ball tunnel, the first thing I see in this final area is a tiny metroid egg... yep... that's the super metroid one. oh and now the number of metroids have gone back up to 9. screw attack is useless against these life-sucking newborns...

died once against the queen metroid dragon thing...

but the pattern wasn't that hard to figure out... even after she gets faster, it's just a matter of being patient and only going for a hit on your way down from dodging her 2nd swoop in attack.

aw shit... ALMOST had her that 2nd attempt... she kept screaming louder and louder... and I was running out of missiles... who knows how close I was.

fuckk... yeah... beat it... with LITERALLY 2 health points left...

I really wasn't sure there... I mastered his pattern, but once he starts mastering his pattern I can't avoid getting hit every once in a while.

this baby metroid hatches, and instead of sucking my life force, it just follows me around and destroys the blocks that I can't otherwise get passed.

oh wow... you get back on the surface... and it's possible to spider crawl up a mountain that gets so high up you can't survive the atmosphere.

got 3:31... could've easily gotten sub 3:30 if I didn't take my time walking around with the metroid.

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